A little of our history!

We are Katherine and Antonio, a couple of Latin origin who migrated to this country with the hope of improving themselves and developing with their family. In 2007, we started and purchased our first supermarket in Brooklyn, NY.

In 2013, we decided to move to Rhode Island, that same year, we acquired another supermarket located in Providence.

As time went by, we began to notice that feeling of nostalgia that our Latin community feels for its roots. As a result of an experience with a client who visited the store in 2019, we identified that the need to purchase Latin products was deeper than we imagined. So, we began to look for a solution to keep connected those ties that characterize us as Hispanics, hence Saboriza Market was born.

Saboriza Market connects you with your longings, with those products that you enjoy from generation to generation. Managing to overcome distances, and wherever you are, the Latin flavor reaches the door of your house. Well, we know that you also experience that feeling of nostalgia, that you miss your land, your people, your food, your traditions, in short, everything.

The good news is that at Saboriza.com we accompany you to overcome the obstacles that arise every day, enjoying what you deserve the authentic, the freshness, the smell that penetrates your senses and brings you closer to your land, and best of all , from anywhere in the United States

Our beginnings...